Workforce Development Goals
ACEC Indiana's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan introduced a workforce development
pillar, focused on developing partnerships with K-12 schools and partners, with
higher education institutions and developing talent attraction resources for the
consulting engineering industry. ACEC Indiana staff and volunteers are working to:
- Partner with K-12 schools to expand the awareness and interest of opportunities in the engineering industry.
- Increase awareness of engineering by scaling National Engineers Week outreach and conducting more classroom visits throughout the year.
- Partner with higher education schools that develop career opportunities for the services of ACEC Indiana member firms.
- Increase enrollment in civil engineering programs and other related fields.
- Increase the number of civil engineering graduates completing the “FE” exam each year.
- Develop indirect recruiting assistance through building a case for civil, electrical, environmental, mechanical, and structural engineering opportunities in Indiana.
- Increase awareness of engineering within communities through new ambassador program.
How You Can Support Indiana Engineering
- Serve as an advocate/resource to the state
on issues related to the engineering
- Increase student awareness, interest and
recruitment for the civil engineering
profession and related careers (land
surveyors, field technicians, etc.).
- Bolster connections with educators and
post-secondary institutions to fuel the
pipeline of civil graduates that plan to stay in the state of Indiana
- Increase opportunities for industry to engage
with students earlier in their education (request a speaking engagement below).
- Encourage in-state recruitment of
engineering talent from Indiana colleges
in the state of Indiana and universities.
- Contact to learn more!
Connect with ACEC Indiana