ACEC Indiana’s Board of Directors
Nomination Form
ACEC Indiana’s Nominating Committee requests your nomination for members of the Board of Directors. It is the intent of the nominating committee to identify members who can contribute to the policy shaping for ACEC Indiana. Directors will be elected by the ACEC Indiana membership, each to fill a three (3) year term. The incoming Board will take office on July 1, 2024.
The Nominating Committee seeks to fill the following positions:
- Two (2) Directors
- One (1) Secretary, nominated from existing Board members
Deadline for submission: Friday, April 12, 2024.
For your reference, click on the "ACEC Indiana Pathway to Leadership" guide below.
Members of the Board of Directors are required to:
- Be an active member of ACEC Indiana
- Represent membership of the Association by “wearing the ACEC Indiana hat”
- Understand issues facing the Association
- Establish the policies governing the Association
- Adhere to the Strategic plan of the Association along with short term goals
- Assure legal compliance with the By-Laws of the Association
- Approve operating budget, fulfilling fiduciary responsibility to the membership
- Have actively served on ACEC Indiana committees and served as chairperson
- Assist with the recruitment of new member firms
- Be involved in ACEC Indiana activities including State and National PACs
- Set ACEC Indiana’s policy and carry out various other responsibilities in this leadership role
- Attend six Board meetings per year
- Serve as a Board Liaison on one ACEC Indiana Committee
Click here for a listing of the current Board of Directors.
Your nominations will be considered by the Nominating Committee, which consists of ACEC Indiana’s current officers, and Past Presidents (who are current members) who will then propose a slate. This slate will be re-submitted for voting action to ACEC Indiana’s general membership with write-in spaces available. Please nominate a principal of an ACEC Indiana member firm, with policy-making authority, who you think will be an asset to the organization and who is willing to serve.
Click here for an annual self-assessment completed by ACEC Indiana's Board of Directors.
See Nomination Form below to submit candidates for consideration. Self nominations are accepted.
Deadline for submission: Friday, April 12, 2024.